Business Directory

By choosing to support these local enterprises, you’re not only investing in quality products and services but also in the rich cultural heritage and economic vitality of the Nez Perce Tribe. Explore our directory to discover unique offerings and help sustain the growth and success of Native small businesses. Together, we can make a meaningful impact by keeping our dollars within the community and celebrating the spirit of "Buy Nez Perce, Shop Local."

Pandion Institute

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Business Category
  • Consulting
  • Education
  • Tourism & Entertainment
Business Owner(s) Name(s)
  • Tiyana Blackeagle, Josiah Blackeagle, Clark Shimeall, Jeremy Wolf

Land-Based learning for tribal youth.


A vibrant network of partners—community, outfitter, and educator, Indigenous and non-Indigenous—across the West who convene and collaborate to co-create powerful outdoor experiences grounded in Indigenous ways of being and knowing.
Carefully developed best practices to foster transformative, immersive educational trips that lead to respectful, reciprocal place-based partnerships that care for each other and for Land. A robust training program that provides work, empowerment, and skills development to Indigenous young adults and positions them within our network of partners as the next generation of Land Leaders. A mission, community, and way of making change that is based in sensitive engagement with Land.

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PO Box 1052
Joseph, OR 97846
United States
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Tribal Affiliation

Nez Perce Tribe Enrolled Member